Friday 1 February 2008

The yellow airplane

I remember that night as if it was yesterday. There was me, Tommo and Charlie. We were fishing down at the brook. We were just about to set off home when we heard a distant engine sound we thought it was the colonel's Rolls Royce but his was a different engine altogether. We looked up and saw a yellow airplane. It was the first airplane any of us had really seen I mean we had all heard of them and looked at pictures in magazines but we had never actually seen one. We all stood still in amazement when we saw the plane spiraling out of control or attest that's what we taught. It tuns out that the pilot was forced to crash land his plane in the field just outside Iddesleigh. He called us over so we didn't hesitate to run over to him.

"That church up on the hill over there is that the Lapford church?" He asked us.

"No!"we replied.

"Are you sure?"He asked looking at his map all puzzled.

"Yes"We yelled.

"Whoops! Then i am realy lost. Jolly good thing i stopped wasn't it? Thanx for the hel. Oh before i go do you children like humbugs"He replied to us.

"Don't know never tried them." Charlie said

"Well therse a first time for every thing i suppose here have tese."He said wile handing us a bag of humbugs.

1 comment:

private staci peaceful said...

stregth:very good

target: too pink