Friday 29 February 2008

Charlies letter about life at war

I received my first letter from charlie today he is telling me all about life out in France out at war. Charlies letter reads.

Dear moll,

I know that you may have been hearing all about life in trenches and i am shore that u have herd about how Meany people have died out hear but I just want you to know it sounds worse than it is i am fine and me and I should be home in time to wet the baby's head. Tommo is always going on about mum and big Joe. don't get me wrong i am worried about you all but my main concern is staying alive to be a father. How are you I hope mother is looking after you and the sprog. I am relay looking forward to be a father. Have you taught of any names yet? The Sargent major has been saying that the war will be over soon I hope to see you in the near futer .The war is slightly frightening but I have to do it now or the colonel will trow us out of the cottage. Life in the trenches is horrible all around me I can see people dieing and people already dead. The food is horrible all we get is moldy bread and bully beef. Every night we get no sleep because we are fighting of a midnight attack we are scared 24/7.

All my love


I love hearing from Charlie it puts my mind at rest wondering weather he will be alive for the baby. Maybe just maybe they will pull threw.


private staci peaceful said...

strenght: to blurry

target: put the writing in a different cloure so you can read it

Miss G said...

Strength: A good letter Alexandra. You show a sound understanding of life in the trenches and how this would affect Charlie. I also like that you have chosen to tell Molly the reality, whilst comforting her and telling her not to worry.

Target: Good use of hyperlinks, but your last one is a link to World War Two.

Look again at your spelling. You tend to get your homophones mixed up (e.g. hear and here) and spell some words how you would say them ('shore' - sure, 'futer' - future)

But overall a very good letter which shows empathy with Charlie and Molly

Miss G said...

also, your picture worries me Alexandra. It is quite horrific which reflects the subject of war, but I think if it has got past the school barrier I will allow it. But another thing that worries me is that it looks as if it has a trainer in it...