Friday 29 February 2008

Charlies letter about life at war

I received my first letter from charlie today he is telling me all about life out in France out at war. Charlies letter reads.

Dear moll,

I know that you may have been hearing all about life in trenches and i am shore that u have herd about how Meany people have died out hear but I just want you to know it sounds worse than it is i am fine and me and I should be home in time to wet the baby's head. Tommo is always going on about mum and big Joe. don't get me wrong i am worried about you all but my main concern is staying alive to be a father. How are you I hope mother is looking after you and the sprog. I am relay looking forward to be a father. Have you taught of any names yet? The Sargent major has been saying that the war will be over soon I hope to see you in the near futer .The war is slightly frightening but I have to do it now or the colonel will trow us out of the cottage. Life in the trenches is horrible all around me I can see people dieing and people already dead. The food is horrible all we get is moldy bread and bully beef. Every night we get no sleep because we are fighting of a midnight attack we are scared 24/7.

All my love


I love hearing from Charlie it puts my mind at rest wondering weather he will be alive for the baby. Maybe just maybe they will pull threw.

Friday 22 February 2008

The day i foun d out i was pregnant

It was just as the grate war was beginning it had been a week since i was supposed to start so i was slightly concerned so i took a pregnancy test and it came back positive and i knew straight away that it was charlies. I went out to get some groceries and when i got back my mum and dad were sat in the living room with about 15 suitcases next to them i asked them what was going on and my mum held up the pregnancy test. I knew they wouldn't approve being relay strong catholics and all but i didn't care. They threw me out so the first place i thought of going was charlies. Charlie wasn't there but Mrs peaceful was so i told her and she too me in. It was about half an hour before charlie and Tommo got back from work and when Charlie found out he aid it was all going to be fine, i didn't believe him at first but after a wile i began to believe it. I truly believed with all my heart that Charlie was going to be a real father to our child. Later that day the corlonel came over and he asked t speak to mother alone i left the room but of course i was ease dropping.He said Charlie had to go and fight in the war as they needed more soujers out there in France. I didn't want Charlie to go but if he didn't the corlonel said he would kick us all out of the cottage. When the corlonel had gone Charlie.Tommo.Big Joe and I came back into the sitting room. Charlie asked mother what was wrong and why the corlonel had come round but mother didn't want to tell him wile big Joe and Tommmo were there. I asked Charlie and Tommo to come for an walk with me down by the brook were we used to play after school when we were kids. When we got down there i told Charlie and Tommo everything i had heard wile mother was talking to the corlonel. Tommo didn't like the thought of Charlie leaving ether and neither did Charlie himself. Tommo said that if Charlie was going to go and fight out in France then he would to we tryed to talk him out of it but once Tommo had made up his mind that was it there was no stopping him. A few weeks later Tommo and Charlie had to leave to go to France and Fight. We didn't tell big Joe everything all we told him was that Tommo and Charlie had to go away for a wile but they would be back soon.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Mine and Charlies love letters.

I have just recived the most wounderful letter from Charlie i want to send one back but i wouldn't know what to say.

Charlies letter reads.

Dear my dearest Molly,
I am realy missing you. I think Tommo is getting suspicious of us being together and wrighting all these letters but i don't care. I know he is my brother but if wrighting to you and using Tommo as a post man is the only way we can comunicate untill your mum and dad say we can see eacheother again then i will do what i have to do. I must see you and soon, but i don't know how we could pull it off without your mum and dad finding out. I suppose you would know ho we could do it without them finding out. Please reply to this letter i have to tell you somthing and i need to tell you soon.

All my love


I think i will right one back but i don't know what to say yet i will have to tell him were we can meet up and when. Yes thats what i'll do.

Friday 1 February 2008

The yellow airplane

I remember that night as if it was yesterday. There was me, Tommo and Charlie. We were fishing down at the brook. We were just about to set off home when we heard a distant engine sound we thought it was the colonel's Rolls Royce but his was a different engine altogether. We looked up and saw a yellow airplane. It was the first airplane any of us had really seen I mean we had all heard of them and looked at pictures in magazines but we had never actually seen one. We all stood still in amazement when we saw the plane spiraling out of control or attest that's what we taught. It tuns out that the pilot was forced to crash land his plane in the field just outside Iddesleigh. He called us over so we didn't hesitate to run over to him.

"That church up on the hill over there is that the Lapford church?" He asked us.

"No!"we replied.

"Are you sure?"He asked looking at his map all puzzled.

"Yes"We yelled.

"Whoops! Then i am realy lost. Jolly good thing i stopped wasn't it? Thanx for the hel. Oh before i go do you children like humbugs"He replied to us.

"Don't know never tried them." Charlie said

"Well therse a first time for every thing i suppose here have tese."He said wile handing us a bag of humbugs.